3 Reasons You May Want to Hire an Academic Editor

Academic advice, Academic Editing, Writing / Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018

Just because you’re capable of writing it yourself doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hire an academic editor.

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There’s no question—in addition to the blood, sweat and tears that go into earning an advanced degree, it costs a boatload of money. On top of the cost of classes and books, there’s often a loss of income and other hidden expenses like babysitters, take-out, and house-cleaners. So, why in the world would you want to add the expense of an academic editor? Here are 3 reasons to give it some thought:

1. Time Saved

At some point in most doctoral journeys, there’s a sort of mental fogginess or even depression that sets in. This difficult shared experience makes it hard to keep plugging away at your dissertation.

In addition, the review cycle can be crushing. You give it your level best and submit it. You wait on pins and needles for two long weeks. But then, what you get back is hardly the shining endorsement you were hoping for. Sections need reworking or even rewriting, your formatting is off, and your sources are steadily dropping out of date. In the discouragement of writing this mammoth document, many learners “take a break” that ends up being permanent.

However, hiring an academic editor can save you time by helping you whip your writing into shape more efficiently than you could do on your own. It might even give you the boost you need to get moving again, once you get your edited document back!

2. Quality Writing

Know what would be cool? If your research is deemed interesting to others in the field! Naturally, your topic is key in achieving this. But another significant contributor (or detractor) is whether or not your writing is readable.

If you’re already a good writer, that’s great! An extra pair of eyes could make it even better. But if you struggle with the writing portion, you would probably really benefit from getting an expert on board.

3. Support on the Journey

As much as your family and friends love and support you personally, most will not also be able to help you carry the academic load. A hired editor, on the other hand, can give you and your research her full, undivided attention. An editor has not already tired of hearing about your study. It’s a fresh pair of eyes, a brand new perspective, an unbiased opinion, and expertise in helping you present the best possible product.

Some Final Words…

As with shoes, you get what you pay for with the quality of academic editors. It’s therefore unwise to be too keen to save in this area. Instead, take a bit of time to research an editor and then jump in, ready to give input and take advice. An academic editor is an investment that will save you time and money in the long run, supporting you on your journey toward a quality product of which you can be proud.

For more on achieving your academic goals, check out the 4 Kinds of Support You Need for Your Academic Journey.

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